Erotics and Sexuality
The erotic self, and our ability to experience, explore and enjoy our sexuality is intricately linked to our involvement, engagement, and authenticity in daily life. In our society, many of us were not given the tools we need to have fulfilling and engaging sexual experiences.
Sexuality is often a much broader and far reaching topic than just our sexual preferences and ability to enjoy fulfilling sexual relationships. Sexuality and eroticism is about a broader engagement with life and the world around you. If things feel dull, uninteresting, and pointless, but not quite depressing, you may need to find a way of tapping into your more authentic self in all aspects of life, not just in the bedroom.
Sexuality is deeply linked to the capacity to tolerate frustration, the capacity to experience joy, and the capacity to surrender. A therapist who is able to work relationally and explore your subjective experience of the world with you, may also be able to help you unlock parts of yourself which allow you to enjoy a more satisfying erotic and sexual life, as well as a more engaged and fulfilling participation with the world around you.